The Scioto Foundation Board of Govenor’s recently awarded the 14th street community center $6,674.95 from the Kathleen Battle Fund to help with the creation of a Kathleen Battle Studio project. The project will see the establishment of a studio suitable for community music production, podcasting, internet radio, performing arts and spoken history. The proposed facility will also include a classroom to enable learning about studio and music production. The grant funds will be used for studio supplies.
Pictured left to right are: Drew Carter, 14th Street Community Center, President; Kellie Craft, 14th street Community Center, Operations Director; Maria Battle, 14th street Community Center, Programs Director; and Michael Barnhart, SSU Music Professor.
The Scioto Foundation annually awards grants on a quarterly basis in categories of
the arts, education, community development, social services, healthcare and others. Application deadlines are March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31.
SF grant applications and guidelines may be found on the Scioto Foundation’s website, www.sciotofoundation.org.