Ways of Giving

The Scioto Foundation accepts a wide variety of assets to help donors fund their charitable funds and hence their charitable interests.

Cash & Cash Equivalents
You can establish a fund and add to it at any time. The fund has great flexibility and affords an immediate tax deduction.

Publicly Traded Stocks
A contribution of appreciated securities can produce tax savings for a donor while allowing advantages to philanthropic planning. Donors can receive a double benefit: an immediate charitable deduction for the fair market value of the securities donated and an exemption from any capital gains tax on the appreciation.

Mutual Fund Shares
These are also excellent assets to contribute to your fund. Like gifts of publicly traded securities, gifts of mutual fund shares are deductible up to the full market value. Some mutual fund companies have special procedures for gifts of mutual funds. Date of gift is determined by the date the shares are received at the Foundation.

Closely Held Stock
Stock that is not traded publicly has a different set of requirements. This stock must be reviewed by the Scioto Foundation Board of Governors for acceptance.

Matching gifts from employers
Your employer may have a program to match your contributions to charities. Each company has a different set of requirements, so be sure to contact the Scioto Foundation if you have any questions regarding matching gifts. Please know we are here to help complete any needed paperwork. The Scioto Foundation offers matching gifts to UCAN fund contributions and to nonprofit organizations during Scioto Gives. Contact the Foundation to learn more.

You can add to your fund by a bequest in your will. Bequests can take a variety of forms such as a specific amount, a percentage of your estate or a certain asset. The Foundation has sample language for creating a fund in a will that we can provide you or your legal counsel.

Life Insurance
Many people find that protection offered by life insurance policies is no longer needed later in life. A life insurance policy can be a wonderful tool for charitable giving. A few steps need to be taken to do this. First, irrevocably assign your insurance policy to the Foundation and name the Foundation as the beneficiary. You can make annual tax-deductible contributions to cover the policy’s annual premium. Or if the policy is pre-paid you will receive an immediate tax deduction equal to the cash surrender of the policy.

Planned/Deferred Gifts
Many donors create named funds through life income such as Charitable Remainder Trusts. Donors may earn an immediate tax deduction on such gifts but keep the proceeds from these investments for as long as they live. Your professional advisor can help you structure this gift.

Real Estate
Gifts of real estate can include a house, apartment, farm, vacation home, commercial building, or land. You may make an outright gift or use it to fund a charitable remainder trust that provides you income. A gift of real estate is more complex, so it requires additional procedures to complete.

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