In the spring of 2022, the Scioto Foundation Board of Governors awarded the City of Portsmouth a grant for $25,000 from the Margaret Anne Strehle Fund, the Ed & Helen Fannin Fund and the Calvin & Martha Johnson Fund to underwrite expenses associated with the manufacturing of signs and banners to be placed along Chillicothe, Washington, 5th and Gallia Streets. In tune with the City’s Master Plan, “Elevate Portsmouth,” the project will furnish banners, street and parking signs, orientation maps and necessary hardware. It will incorporate placemaking and branding to support commercial revitalization, destination development and provide safe, easy movement of pedestrians (visitors and tourists) into and throughout downtown Portsmouth.
The Scioto Foundation annually awards grants on a quarterly basis in classifications of the arts, education, community development, social services and health. Application deadlines are March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31.
SF grant applications and guidelines may be found on the Scioto Foundation’s website,