The Scioto Foundation Board of Governors awarded the SCOESC a grant in the amount of $7,225 from the Virginia Smith Wolfe Fund and various unrestricted funds to support programs in the arts and humanities for 14 school systems in Scioto County and neighboring counties. The programs include the Scioto County Honors Music Festival, the Visually Literate High School Art Show at Shawnee State University, the Youth Art Month Exhibit at the Scioto County Public Library, Memory Project Participation and preparation of the artwork for mailing and an ESC Artist-in-Residence Program.
Photos from the Artist-in-Residence reception hosted at Port City Pub.
The Scioto Foundation annually awards grants on a quarterly basis in classifications of the arts, education, community development, social services and health. Application deadlines are March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31.
The Scioto Foundation grant applications and guidelines may be found online at