The Scioto Foundation is a community foundation serving the people of the Scioto County area. Since 1975, the Scioto Foundation has awarded approximately $30 million in grants and distributions to local non-profit organizations, schools, and local governments. To be considered for a grant, all applicants must meet the following requirements

Grant-Making Criteria
- Grants will be made only to organizations having recognition under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation will make no grants to individuals, although assistance will ultimately benefit individuals.
- Unless suggested by the donor of a particular fund in the Foundation, grants will normally not be made for routine operating needs, annual giving, budget deficits, or religious organizations. However, we do support religious organizations for non-religious programs, like hunger centers, job training, or child care. In addition, the Foundation does not fund entertainment, lodging, or meal expenses.
- The Foundation will look favorably at those projects that promise to affect a broad segment of the population of the Scioto County area or that tend to help a segment of the citizenry not being adequately served by other resources in the community.
- Typically, the Foundation funds projects in the following areas: education, healthcare, community development, economic development, arts and culture, social services, and civic benefit.
- Requests are accepted from existing organizations in the community as well as from newly formed nonprofit groups.
- The Foundation does not reimburse projects that have already been completed.
- The Scioto Foundation is especially interested in supplying the “seed money” for new and dynamic projects. Grants will be made to existing groups moving in new directions or to new organizations.
- The Foundation is interested in those organizations that can demonstrate they have planned their projects in light of overall community needs. Similar projects by other organizations should not duplicate the proposed services.
- The Foundation will give greater priority to grant requests that ask only for a portion of the total project cost.
- The Foundation will consider applications for grants at quarterly intervals each year. Five copies and one original copy of the grant request must be submitted to the office by the following dates:
- March 31
- June 30
- September 30
- December 31
- Incomplete applications or fax copies will not be accepted.
Grant Application Guidelines
If your organization meets the criteria for submission to the Scioto Foundation, you will need to complete an application form and submit the following information:
- A copy of the grant application transmittal form signed by the board chair and project applicant
- 5 copies and an original of your full proposal, written in the format provided.
- A copy of your organization’s tax-exempt letter from the IRS
- Job descriptions of key project personnel. If you plan to use consultants on the project, include their resumes.
- Current financial statements or audit reports.
- Names of your collaborators on the project and/or letters of support for your project.
Project Summary
- Detail the goal(s) of this project in one paragraph
Background Information (for your organization)
- How long has your organization been in existence?
- What other grant funded projects and/or programs has your organization successfully completed?
- What is your experience in working with the project target group or groups?
- What links does your organization have with other similar groups?
Project Narrative
- What is the community need your project will address? Please give baseline data if available.
- How will your project better the community?
- What are the goals and objectives of your project?
- What action steps or activities will your project use to address the need?
- What are the expected short-term and long-term results of this project?
Project Implementation Plan
- What is the duration of this project? As a rule, the Scioto Foundation prefers projects that occur in a one-year time frame.
- Please list the dates, activities, and number of people served.
- Give any other key information.
Project Evaluation
- How will you evaluate the results of this project?
- Who will assess the results?
- What record-keeping techniques will you use?
Project Continuation
- How will you continue this project once outside funding is complete?
- Have you planned for future funding and/or revenue sources?
Project Budget/Project Narrative
- Please fill out the attached budget form.
- Please detail why budgetary expenditures are necessary and how they help to fulfill project goals.
After the Proposal is Received
- Applicants will be notified of the Governing Committee’s decision as soon as possible following each quarterly meeting.