Lasting & Positive Change
“Scioto Foundation’s steady growth and expanding influence is already making a difference in the lives of students through the foundation’s UCAN (University/College Access Network) program. Caring individuals, corporations, and institutions have enthusiastically embraced the possibilities UCAN can bring to our community to create lasting and positive change. It’s rewarding and exciting to be a part of Scioto Foundation.” – Sallie Schisler, Past Board Member
The Scioto Foundation is a collection of hundreds of endowment funds created by people, businesses, families, and nonprofit organizations. These funds are linked together by our mission to improve the quality of life for the residents of the greater Scioto County area.
We identify current and emerging issues, stimulate resources to address those needs, and help our community prepare for the future. We do this and more to ensure there is a permanent, philanthropic resource in our community. For good. Forever.

Connect with other donors to select grants that positively affect our community. Help us create and sustain vibrant, healthy, and safe neighborhoods. Scioto 365 offers donors a voice they might not typically have: the power to leverage funds to make a collective impact upon our community. Connect. Select. Positively Affect.

Scioto Gives
Scioto Gives assists local Nonprofits Organizations (NPOs) with an annual endowment fund drive by establishing a new partnership with local NPOs and encouraging other NPOs to establish endowment funds.

University/College Access Network (UCAN)
UCAN was officially launched in 2008 as a program to help students plan, prepare and pay for college. The Scioto Foundation supplied the vision and on-going funding, and the UCAN advisory committee comprised of all 12 school districts and the South-Central Ohio ESC led the work effort. In 2019 the Scioto Foundation added the UCAN Neighbors program. It encourages adjoining county school districts to join the program.