What is Scioto 365?
Scioto 365 is a new, dynamic community leadership initiative of the Scioto Foundation. At the heart of Scioto 365 is impact grant-making focused upon creating and sustaining vibrant, healthy, and safe neighborhoods (community and economic development). With support from the staff of the Scioto Foundation, community leaders develop annual grant parameters, give donations, and determine which nonprofit grants to award! Scioto 365 gives donors a voice they might not typically have: the power to leverage funds to make a collective impact upon our community.

Participation is easy.

Become a member by making an annual contribution of basically a dollar a day, to make your community a better place. With a one-time gift of $3,650.00, you can become a lifetime member. You may even decide to take on a leadership role. The Scioto Foundation will award 50% of the dollars raised each year. The other 50% will be placed into the Scioto 365 Endowment Fund for future awards!

Community & Grants
Learn about our community. The Scioto Foundation will ask local non-profit organizations, schools or emerging community groups to chat with Scioto 365 members about current community needs and possible solutions.
Suggest themes or areas in which you believe community nonprofit grants are most needed to address local problems. Then, attend our annual meeting to learn which theme or area is selected to receive community grants.
Choose grants that you feel will make a difference in our community. The Scioto Foundation will send e-mails to all Scioto 365 members with pertinent grant application information. You choose the grant or grants that make the biggest community impact.
Celebrate successes by attending our annual reception in November.
2025 Theme "Pathways to Purpose: Engaging Youth"
Eligible grants for 2025 may be for direct support or for nonprofit capacity-building activities that provides at-risk youth with safe, and healthy activities.
Eligible requests include but are not limited to:
- After school programming
- Weekend mentoring programs
- Summer youth programs
That provide youth with the following:
- Career counseling
- Educational opportunities
- Healthy snacks and nutrition
- Leadership development
- Resources from other health, service, or educational providers.
For the 2025 grant round, we anticipate awarding up to $15,000 for grants.
Donor drive begins
Scioto Foundation announces the RFP during our annual meeting. Download the applicationÂ
May 1
Grant applications are made available
September 30
Donor drive ends for the current year grant cycle. Gifts made after this date are credited to the following year.
October 5
Donors receive ballots with grant summaries to vote for awards, discuss possible case points or themes for the next year and vote for possible new leadership committee.
October 20
Voting ends
By November 15
Reception is held to announce grants
December TBA
Leadership committee meets to develop case point for next RFP