A Comprehensive Housing Analysis for Portsmouth, Ohio
Portsmouth community leaders have released Redeveloping in the Comeback City: A Comprehensive Housing Market Analysis for Portsmouth, Ohio. This study provides an in-depth analysis of the market rate and affordable housing markets in the City of Portsmouth. This comprehensive housing market analysis is intended to provide community leaders with resources to complement the housing conversations and policy initiatives already underway, and serve as a touchstone to guide local leaders in their continued efforts to address the housing needs of the community.
The Scioto Foundation, in partnership with the City of Portsmouth, the Portsmouth Metropolitan Housing Authority (PMHA), and the Southern Ohio Medical Center (SOMC), commissioned the study, which was conducted by the Greater Ohio Policy Center. A multi-sector Advisory Committee representing government, nonprofit, and private sector leaders from across the city advised on the research. As part of the report release, a public meeting was held July 23, 2021, as well as a virtual briefing to City Council and staff on September 20, 2021. In these meetings, residents and city leadership were able to provide feedback on the findings and recommendations.
“This housing study is designed to serve local leaders in making decisions to support a broad range of housing improvements in the community for all segments of the population. I look forward to seeing our community come together to achieve shared goals,” said Kim Cutlip, Executive Director of the Scioto Foundation.
“Understanding the area’s housing stock will be an important part of our town’s redevelopment journey. The housing study, along with our previous planning efforts, will be good tools for future development,” said Tracy Shearer, Community Development Director for the City.
“This study provides additional insight into the housing needs of the community, which can only help PMHA and the city continue to better serve residents,” said Peggy Rice, Executive Director of PHMA.
“Using this study to improve housing conditions in the city is a central part of addressing the community’s health and wellness needs,” said Justin Clark, Director of Facilities for SOMC.
“Our research indicates while the City of Portsmouth has faced several challenges, tremendous opportunities exist within the city. With concerted effort from private, public, and philanthropic partners, the elements exist to strengthen and revitalize the area’s housing market,” said Alison Goebel, Executive Director of the Greater Ohio Policy Center.
Redeveloping in the Comeback City makes 16 recommendations, organized in 5 priority areas, that build on existing assets to enhance housing in the City of Portsmouth. The priority areas are:
- Ensure the City is Open for Business
- Understand the Quality of Portsmouth’s Housing Stock and Pro-Actively Work to Stabilize It
- Protect Homeowners and Occupied Homes
- Secure Future Opportunities through Site Control
- Stabilize and Rebuild the Market
Redeveloping in the Comeback City housing study – with Executive Summary – can be found here: https://www.greaterohio.org/publications/portsmouth-housing-study.
About Scioto Foundation
The Scioto Foundation is a collection of hundreds of endowment funds created by people, businesses, families, and nonprofit organizations. These funds are linked together by our mission to improve the quality of life for the residents of the greater Scioto County area.
We identify current and emerging issues, stimulate resources to address those needs, and help our community prepare for the future. We do this and more to ensure there is a permanent, philanthropic resource in our community. For good. Forever.
About Greater Ohio Policy Center
Greater Ohio Policy Center (GOPC) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization with a mission to improve Ohio’s communities through smart growth strategies and research. Our vision is a revitalized Ohio. We undertake original research and analysis, develop pragmatic policy recommendations and advocacy strategies, and deploy our convening power to meet the needs of Ohio’s local change-makers. We operate statewide.