Check out the first press release of our signature program, University/College Access Network(UCAN)! Launched 16 years ago, UCAN was created with a vision of one day, every Scioto County student who wishes to pursue a post-secondary education will have the opportunity to receive some financial support to do so. This groundbreaking initiative marked the first of its kind in the Appalachian region.
To kick off this program, the foundation offered a 1-to-1 match, up to $10,000, for each Scioto County school district’s school-initiated scholarship endowment. This matching level was available for 4 more years. From year 6 to now, the Scioto Foundation has continued to offer additional matching dollars in a different capacity. For this school year, a $40,000 prorated match is available to the Scioto County schools.
The success of UCAN prompted an expansion into UCAN Neighbor, offering similar services to school districts in the surrounding areas. The Scioto Foundation now partners with 6 different schools in Adams, Lawrence, and Jackson counties. These school districts can receive matching dollars for their endowment, have unlimited visits from our UCAN Advisor, Christy Wilcox, and apply for mini-grants that pertain to pre-college programs such as ACT prep and cover transportation costs for college visits.
Since the inception of the UCAN program, the Scioto Foundation has invested over $1.1 million in mini-grant opportunities and matching dollars for the school’s endowment fund. The endowed and invested nature of these scholarship funds ensures long-term growth, generating a steady stream of income for scholarships which leaves a lasting legacy for the community. If the funds were not endowed but only passed through, the school’s scholarship fund would only have a few years left to pay out at the current level of awarding if no additional dollars were added. Because the funds are endowed, this fund becomes substantial to do good now, tomorrow, forever.
Over the past 16 years, UCAN has impacted 18 school districts, distributed over $333,000 in 179 mini-grants, and awarded over $830,000 in scholarships to 1,054 students. As the UCAN program continues to thrive, it remains dedicated to supporting students in achieving their post-secondary goals, embodying a vision that extends beyond the present into a future of everlasting impact.
Those who are interested in donating to a school’s UCAN fund can do so at any time. Online gifts can be made by visiting Checks can be mailed to Scioto Foundation, P.O. Box 911, Portsmouth, Ohio 45662, or dropped off at the Scioto Foundation Office, 303 Chillicothe Street, Portsmouth, Ohio. Stock gifts can be arranged by calling the Scioto Foundation Office during business hours at (740)354-4612.
For those affiliated with a school district that is not currently a UCAN Neighbor and interested in the UCAN program, please contact Scioto Foundation’s Executive Director, Kim Cutlip, or Program Officer – Donor Services, Patty Tennant, or phone the office during business hours at (740)354-4612.