Focused on being a provider of quality recovery housing and seeking to provide a sustainable, quality housing for underserved groups in our service area.

Program and Services!
Compass Point Housing provides alcohol and illicit drug-free environments where people who are pursuing long-term recovery from substance use disorders can live with peers and connect with treatment providers and other recovery services and supports. Our recovery housing properties are certified through Ohio Recovery Housing and meet or exceed statewide standards. We partner with local treatment agencies that provide out-patient services, case management and recovery support where needed. Compass Point Housing operates recovery housing of different service levels in Scioto and Adams and Lawrence Counties.
Contact Info for Compass Point Housing:
Craig Gullion, Executive Director
E-Mail: info@compasspointhousing.org
Phone: (740) 355-5603
Address: Administrative 1656A Cole’s Blvd., Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
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