The Scioto Foundation Board of Governors had awarded the Portsmouth Murals, Inc. $14,750 from the James & Tabitha Pugh Fund for enhanced signage and exhibit display structures and storyboards for the Portsmouth Floodwall Murals. The storyboard panels will include information about the complementary murals as well as information regarding the available digital content and online web portals for those murals. The new information will give visitors and residents the opportunity to further explore the community and to enjoy the rich history of the area.
The Scioto Foundation annually awards grants on a quarterly basis in categories of the arts/culture, education, economic development, social services, civic benefit, youth personal development, animal welfare and healthcare. Application deadlines are March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31.
SF grant applications and guidelines may be found on the Scioto Foundation’s website, www.sciotofoundation.org.