Toni Dengel

NYT Best-selling illustrator visits local youth

The Scioto Foundation Board of Governors awarded the Scioto County Public Library $5,000 for its โ€œBooks Build Bridges Literary Projectโ€. The library requested the funds to partially cover the expenses of purchasing books, author fees, and art supplies. The project, which provides a copy of the book, โ€œFiona the Hippo,โ€ for each participating 3rd grader,

NYT Best-selling illustrator visits local youth

New Fund: Wiggins Notre Dame Support Fund

The Scioto Foundation has announced the creation of the Wiggins Notre Dame Support Fund, established by lifelong dedicated Notre Dame alumni Jerry Wiggins for the support of the school systemโ€™s operating expenses and teacher development. Wiggins and his wife Mary Lou first established a fund at the Scioto Foundation in 2020 for the tuition assistance

New Fund: Wiggins Notre Dame Support Fund

Compass Point Housing Awarded $2,858.80

Last January, the Scioto Foundation Boards of Governors awarded Compass Point Housing $2,858.80 for its Recovery Housing Residentsโ€™ Welcome Kits. The Welcome Kits will provide essentials including new bedding, pillows, towels, clothes hampers and basic hygiene products in order to make the new residents feel comfortable in their new environments which will lead to longer

Compass Point Housing Awarded $2,858.80

Celebrating 50 years in 50 weeks

Pictured below are the outstanding students who qualified to attend the Midwest Talent Search programs held at Purdue and Northwestern University from the 1990’s. This program provided advanced tests to jr. high and high school students to find their academic strengths and weaknesses. These tests offer suggestions for academic supplements to help these gifted students

Celebrating 50 years in 50 weeks

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