The Friends of Greenlawn Cemetery Foundation (FOGCF)n is a 501(c)3 corporation dedicated to restoring, preserving and enhancing the beauty, architectural integrity, monuments and horticulture of Greenlawn Cemetery, while providing a historically restored, beautiful and peaceful place for the general public.

OGCF is a group of like-minded members from the Portsmouth community who came together in March 2017 with a shared goal: to partner with the City of Portsmouth in restoring and preserving the 40-acre Greenlawn Cemetery.
Established in 1829, Greenlawn is home to over 85,000 graves and hundreds of species of plants. The FOGCF recognized that every dollar raised would need to be dedicated entirely to this mission, and they aimed to maximize the impact of their funds.

Did you know?
*Over 50,000 individuals visit Greenlawn Cemetery each year? As the Portsmouth community’s first public park, local residents have continued to enjoy the beautiful horticulture and outdoor spaces since the cemetery was established in 1829.
*As one of the largest working historical cemeteries in the State of Ohio, Greenlawn continues to have onsite burials. Presently, some 85,000 individuals are buried within the 40-acre site.
*More than 35,000 volunteer hours by local citizens have been spent on restoration, preservation, beautification, and educational projects in Greenlawn since the Friends of Greenlawn Cemetery Foundation was organized in 2017.
*As of late September 2024, the FOGCF has spent a total of $581,500.00 on restoration and preservation projects in partnership with the Scioto Foundation, Portsmouth Area Ladies (PALS), the Glockner Family, Will and Barb Burke, WAI Construction Group, Southern Ohio Medical Center, Portsmouth Rotary Club, the Scioto County Commissioners, James Dickey American Legion Post 23, the City of Portsmouth, Portsmouth Garden Club, Jay and Sonie Hash, and everyone who purchased a ticket at the six previous productions of the outdoor drama, “The Story of Us.”
Planning and executing restoration projects within a working cemetery that is one of the oldest in the State of Ohio has challenges, but the organization has been effective in doing just that.
In October 2023, they were presented an Award of Merit from the State of Ohio Historical Preservation office for the restoration of the Greenlawn Cemetery Chapel. One of only five presented by the State of Ohio in 2023.
May 2024 would also bring the conclusion of a three-year project to repair and restore the historic Soldier’s Circle section of the cemetery. Established in 1884 by the local Ladies Aid Society of the Grand Army of the Republic as a place for the burial of Civil War Veterans, the circle had suffered from time and lack of funds.
The three-year project would include the complete repair and realignment of each of the 365-plus veterans stones. Many had been in place since the late 1800’s. New commercial grade stainless-steel flagpoles would be erected around the perimeter of the circle.
The Soldier’s Circle project would also include removal of the nearly 150-year-old Union Soldier Monument that had stood guard at the center. The monument would be painstakingly restored by Jeff Hale and many others with Collier Construction Services. “It was an exciting day to watch the soldier be raised back atop his post,” Melissa Appleton FOGCF Board Member commented. “They took so much care to return the monument back to its’ original bronze coating and to repair the damages caused by time. It is remarkable to see the difference.”
In addition to the newly restored soldier, the damaged concrete base was repaired and then clad in dark granite to complete the restoration.
2024 would also initiate the restoration of the Thomas Moore Mausoleum (dating backing to the late 1800’s), the Levi D. York Mausoleum, and the beautiful St. Mary’s Monument.
Digitizing the cemetery records moved even closer to reality as the new software was installed, public portal designed, computer scanners purchased and volunteers secured to start the cemetery wide project. The general public will have access to the public portal in fall 2024.
Each of the main Offnere, Kinneys Lane, and Grant Street entrances were cleaned and landscaped with perennials and shrubbery.
New section markers were installed throughout the entire cemetery site and large historical markers were placed at many locations
Completed Projects:
*Installation of a new “Greenlawn Cemetery” steel archway over the Offnere Street Entrance - partnership with Portsmouth Rotary Club
- Installation of an oversized pergola style “Information Center” at the entrance
- Installation of a life-sized map of the Cemetery at the entrance
- New flagpoles and flags at the Grant Street Entrance
- Newly constructed cemetery maps from the older maps has been completed by
- Pontem Cemetery Mapping/Software
- Worked cooperatively with SSU/Logan Minter on digitizing trees and horticulture
- Installed new mini-split HVAC System in the Chapel to enable year-round use of
- the facility - partnership with Lute Plumbing and BB and E
- Complete restoration of the Greenlawn Cemetery Chapel (presently on the list
- of National Historic Places)
- Construction of a Serenity Garden adjacent to the Chapel - partnership with SOMC
- Repair and paint restoration of the cast iron fencing surrounding the 40 acre site
- Installation of period specific cast iron benches throughout the site
- New Concrete Planters at the Offnere Street Entrance
- New Garden Area near the Office - partnership with Portsmouth Garden Club
- Cleaned hundreds of monuments
- Soldier’s Circle
- Complete chapel restoration
- Establishment of a Serenity Garden adjacent to the chapel
- New Archway over the main entrance at Offnere Street
- Tree-mapping with Shawnee State University
- New trees planted along Offnere Street
- Period-specific lighting along brick street at entry
- Oversized Information Board at the entrance
- Lighting and updated electrical at Soldier’s Circle and the mausoleums
- Angels and Flagpoles at Grant Street
Ongoing Projects:
- Digitizing of all graves and monuments with GPS GIS Mapping
- Continued monument repair
- Improving entryways with landscaping
- Continued cleanup and touch-up painting on the fencing, etc.
- Installation of large, historical markers to provide information
Upcoming Projects:
- Installation of steel “Section Markers” to identify the individual areas
- restored and the concrete repaired. The approximately 30 flagpoles that flank the entry and perimeter of Soldier’s Circle will be replaced with new, heavier poles.
- Continued community and organization historical tours
- Annual Christmas Memorial Tree and Fellowship Event
Future Projects:
- Individual sections, the Founders, the fence and archways, Potter’s
- Field, Babyland and countless other parts of the cemetery
- Complete restoration of the two large mausoleums located in the Holy Redeemer
- Section near the intersection of Kinney’s Lane and Offnere Streets
- Restoration of the Levi D. York, Thomas Moore, Burke and other smaller Mausoleums located throughout the site
- Developing a plan to plant trees to offset the significant number of trees lost due to age and weather
- Develop a history program in cooperation with local elementary schools to provide local Ohio history coursework
- Art shows, poetry readings and on-site lectures
- Recognition of Veterans
- Restoration of the two larger mausoleums located at the Northwest Corner of the Cemetery near the Offnere and Kinney’s Lane intersection.
- Repair and restoration of the “brick terraces” located near Garfield and Grant Street. This area is home to many of the city’s founders.
- Self-guided video tours of many of the historical monuments
- A partnership with the local schools to provide access to historical data.
- Cleaning and repairing thousands of the over 100-year-old monuments.
Contact Info for Friends of Greenlawn Cemetery:
Phone: (740)357-2112
Email: friendsofgreenlawncemeteryfnd@gmail.com
Website: www.friendsofgreenlawncemeteryfoundation.org
facebook: visit
Address: P.O. Box 333, Portsmouth, Ohio 45662