Last grant cycle, the Scioto Foundation Board of Governors awarded Wings of Hope $1,500 from the Phillip and Mary Jenkins Benevolent Fund for its “Global Youth Service Day Building Intergenerational Relationships”. This grant helped pay for expenses incurred in preparing the Peace Park for spring. Grant funds helped with the costs of replacing the Peace Pole, gardening tools, landscaping, and creating a raised garden bed.
Photos from Wings of Hope’s Global Youth Service Day courtesy of the organization. Other photos includes little ones enjoying the park, as well as a grant photo with Wings of Hope Director, Maxine Malone with her group.
The Scioto Foundation annually awards grants on a quarterly basis in classifications of the arts, education, community development, social services, and health. Application deadlines are March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31.
SF grant applications and guidelines may be found on the Scioto Foundation’s website, www.sciotofoundation.org.